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The BEST TIME to try CardinalCam is anytime weekend days 9-6 EST or Weekdays 3-6PM


Live CardinalCam!

Although we attempt to keep the cam online, our provider frequently drops the link. Our my system halts, or its nightime, or... lots of things can keep us offline. Our goal is 3 hours a day average, but sometimes we can go a day or two with no feed. Other days we feed for 12 hours! Just depends.

Click for Palm Bay, Florida Forecast

We have 7 or more feeders and two birdbaths. You may see a number of species; Two Cardinal families and a red-headed Woodpecker and baby are also regular visitors, especially to the suet. We also have doves who usually groundfeed, as well as a bunny family who does the same. A great crested flycacher has been about but not recently. Also there is a Jay who likes to stir things up.

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